Personal Journey

After back surgery in my teens, I would often hurt myself doing even the simplest activity. More than once I wound up in the hospital after a workout. In an effort to avoid a second back surgery - a friend suggested Pilates. Within a few months, I noticed a huge difference in my posture and mobility, but most importantly Pilates increased my confidence in my strength.

After 11 years of practicing Pilates, I became a comprehensively trained Pilates instructor. It brings me joy watching my clients experience the power of Pilates.

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My Approach

I am passionate about helping gentle bodies and believe every body can benefit from one-on-one Pilates. Whether you're a client with a neurological issue (MS, Parkinson's, Stroke), back injury, or just consider your body in need of special attention, I can help.

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Sheila D.

Over the years working with Alana, I've been diagnosed with various issues (spinal stenosis and a labral tear in my hip from a fall) and she has consistently modified my sessions to help manage pain and movement complications. We've had a lot of success, even my doctor was impressed by the protocol we follow! Alana is a beautiful, special person and I love working with her.


Alana's virtual workout sessions during the pandemic have been amazing! A session with Alana, using a mat and other items I have at home such as resistance bands and a yoga ball, addresses all the aches and tightness particular to WFH at a computer. After each session, I breathe better and feel ready to handle the work day. Better yet, I've experienced gains in overall strength and flexibility over the last several months.

Ellen F.

I highly recommend Alana for anyone looking to gain strength and establish greater body-awareness! I run, lift weights, do HIIT workouts, and practice yoga and was drawn to Pilates to help prevent injury. Alana instantly saw the imbalances and weak areas in my body and knew exactly what to do to strengthen them. I take what I learned from Alana into every workout and that awareness of my body has been invaluable.

John A.

I was referred to Alana by my doctor a few months after spine surgery and after being cleared for rehabilitative exercise. After my surgery, I lost a tremendous amount of strength in my legs and I was skeptical that Pilates would be the right course of treatment to get me back to my previous condition. I began to see the results immediately. The strength in my back and legs began to return with only a couple of sessions and the re-establishment of connection between my nerves and muscles was immediately noticeable. I have continued with the sessions for several months and every time I think the Pilates has run its course, Alana challenges me with something new that further increases my strength.

I would strongly recommend Alana to anyone who has gone through a major procedure such as I have or if you simply want to establish more foundational strength.

Lorry C.

Alana is a miracle worker!

I've been dealing with a temperamental back for most of my life. Even after a lumbar laminectomy (back surgery) 30 years ago, I'm prone to injuries and restricted mobility. I realized last year that if I didn't get myself back on track as far as my strength and flexibility were concerned, it might not ever happen.

I was attracted to Alana because she knows first hand the challenges of an injured back. Alana assessed my physical condition and limitations and designed a program to improve my core strength, flexibility, and balance. She is able to change my workout on the spot to address any inflammation. Alana helped me correct imbalances in muscle structure that occurred compensating for my injuries. She also taught me how to move my body to prevent injury... that is much different from what I learned from my physical therapists. She places a high value on correct form with each exercise and continues to help me perfect mine as I get stronger.

It's been over 5 years now and I am stronger and more flexible than I've ever been! What keeps me coming back is Alana's friendly and easy going personality. It's fun working with her! She motivates me to push past my perceived limits to get results.

Steve S.

My Pilates sessions with Alana have always been beneficial. She has readily adjusted when I had physical limitations as I have a cerebral shunt to prevent swelling in my brain. Overall I feel stronger. Plus she is a sweetheart to deal with.

Pat P.

Not only did my strength, flexibility, and balance improve greatly after my knee replacement, we also achieved tremendous improvement in my proprioception- which was greatly affected by a stroke. Alana is a very talented teacher and I enjoy working with her.

Lisa D.

I credit Alana's passion for helping others and her high level of attentive care for enabling me to regain full range of motion in my foot and toes following a bad injury and foot surgery a few years ago. Alana tailored my rehab so that I progressed safely at a pace with which I was physically comfortable as well as challenged. At the same time, Alana varied my sessions to address a limp resulting from the injury and my overall loss of balance from weeks with no weight-bearing on one foot. Thanks to Alana I recovered with better overall body alignment and balance than I had pre-injury.

I highly recommend Alana for Pilates rehabilitation and fitness workouts!

Chris P.

Alana is a special teacher with a profound knowledge of Pilates and the body. I highly recommend her! I came to her studio 7 months before a scheduled hip replacement surgery, in a lot of pain. I was very nervous about exercising at all, given the pain I was in. She assured me that movement was not only going to help me then, but would improve my recovery greatly, and she was right! Now, 2.5 years later, I am the strongest I have ever been. I have formed muscles that I never knew I had and feel great. This is not just because of Pilates, but specifically about Alana understanding the intricacies of MY body and knowing which movements are good for me, and which ones are not! I have had a few trainers in the past and have actually been hurt by them. Alana is different. I trust her completely. And she is joyful to be around with an amazing attitude that is very motivating. I am very lucky to have her in my life!

Are you a gentle body?
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